Roc City Chocolates: Creator of dark chocolate bars and instant chocolate coffee drinks that contain spices believed to encourage Healthful living. Roc City Chocolates makes no Medical claims to heal or treat disease and or disorders. Our spice blends were created using Scientific and Medical research as a guide. The secret to health and well-being is a balanced diet, rich in whole foods, to include fruits, vegetables and spices. Each Chocolate Bar and Chocolate Drink mix contains about 1/2 teaspoon of our spice blends. Start your journey with the health-giving benefits of Spices. Let Roc City Chocolates put a little spice in your life.
The spice blends in Roc City Chocolates chocolate bars, drink mixes and our specialty Chocolate Barks are formulated based on Encouraging results from medical and scientific testing:
Turmeric: Anti-Cancer potential
Fenugreek: Helpful for inflammation, weight control and unfriendly to Cancer Cells.
Rose Mary: Powerful antioxidant
Black Pepper: Anti-Cancer potential, mental clarity.
Cinnamon: Anti-Cancer potential, may help Type 2 Diabetes.
Coriander: Anti-Cancer potential.
Nutmeg: Anti-Cancer potential, mood enhancer.
Medical and scientific research also suggests that :
1/2 ounce of Dark chocolate daily may help prevent Dementia and Non-Alzheimer’s.
1/2 to 1 ounce of Dark chocolate may help mental fatigue.
1 ounce of Dark chocolate a day may be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure and
lowering risk of heart disease.
Additional findings still under review, showing promising results:
Black Pepper: as suggested by Korean researchers: jump starts digestion, help in easing
Arthritis. Research in Thailand: Anti depression, cognitive-enhancing.
Nutmeg: From India: Anxiety, Depression, Memory.
Coriander: From German Commission E: Bloating, indigestion, diabetes,
Rheumatism and joint pain.
The spice blends in Roc City Chocolates chocolate bars, drink mixes and our specialty Chocolate Barks are formulated based on Encouraging results from medical and scientific testing:
Turmeric: Anti-Cancer potential
Fenugreek: Helpful for inflammation, weight control and unfriendly to Cancer Cells.
Rose Mary: Powerful antioxidant
Black Pepper: Anti-Cancer potential, mental clarity.
Cinnamon: Anti-Cancer potential, may help Type 2 Diabetes.
Coriander: Anti-Cancer potential.
Nutmeg: Anti-Cancer potential, mood enhancer.
Medical and scientific research also suggests that :
1/2 ounce of Dark chocolate daily may help prevent Dementia and Non-Alzheimer’s.
1/2 to 1 ounce of Dark chocolate may help mental fatigue.
1 ounce of Dark chocolate a day may be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure and
lowering risk of heart disease.
Additional findings still under review, showing promising results:
Black Pepper: as suggested by Korean researchers: jump starts digestion, help in easing
Arthritis. Research in Thailand: Anti depression, cognitive-enhancing.
Nutmeg: From India: Anxiety, Depression, Memory.
Coriander: From German Commission E: Bloating, indigestion, diabetes,
Rheumatism and joint pain.